Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine where the digestive system and its disorders are studied. We offer comprehensive care to patients suffering from gastrointestinal disease with special clinics held for hepatitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
All medical gastroenterological conditions are treated including:
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Crohn’s disease
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Diverticulosis
- Liver conditions including hepatitis and chronic liver disease
- Stomach conditions including gastro oesophageal reflux disease/ulcers/dyspepsia
- Coeliac disease
- Bile salt malabsorption
- Gallbladder stones.
At Goole and District Hospital weekly outpatient clinics are held.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect the liver. If left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver over many years. You can become infected with it if you come into contact with the blood of an infected person.
But with modern treatments, there is a greater than 96% cure rate, and most people with it will have a normal life expectancy. Treatment is all tablet form and there are minimal side effects. Our dedicated specialist nurses work together with you, and will support you through your treatment.
We offer consultant and nurse-led outpatient clinics for our patients at both our Grimsby and Scunthorpe hospitals. Our specialist nurses also provide a fibroscan service where patients can have a non-invasive scan, instead of a biopsy, to check the health of their liver. We are the first Trust in the country to allow GPs to directly refer patients for a fibroscan with our specialist nursing team. This reduces the time waiting to see a Gastroenterologists, alleviates anxiety for patients whilst they are waiting for results and significantly reduces the risk to patients who would otherwise undergo higher risk biopsies to the liver.