These clinics include allergy, ADHD, cardiology, respiratory, diabetes, gastroenterology, neurology, epilepsy, orthopaedics, audiology and renal, as well as general clinics. Pre-operative assessment clinics are also held for children and young people having elective procedures. Some clinics are held by consultants from specialist hospitals such as Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Leeds Children’s Hospital.
Registered nurses, advanced health care assistants and nursery nurses assess babies, children and young people on arrival as required. This will include measuring their weight, height and blood pressure. Urine samples may be required as part of the initial assessment. The outpatient nurses also carry out day case procedures and perform children’s blood tests.
General paediatric and diabetes clinics are also held at Goole and Louth District Hospitals. At Scunthorpe General Hospital, the outpatients’ department is located on ‘B’ floor near the Church Lane entrance) and at Grimsby it’s in the family services building.
For enquiries about your child’s outpatient appointment call 03033 306536 for Grimsby or 03033 306537 for Scunthorpe.
Children’s outpatients – Grimsby
The children’s outpatient department at the Diana Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby provides paediatric clinics for infants and children.
Care is provided by a range of healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, nurse specialists, dieticians and child psychologists. Nursing staff in the department also assist with a number of planned investigations in the department and support other health care team within the hospital.
We have a dedicated team of paediatric nurses and health care staff who work closely with the paediatric doctors and other professionals such as specialist nurses, dieticians and psychologists.
Around 30 clinics are held each week, these are held morning and afternoon Monday to Friday. Some days are busier than others, but someone will always be available to support with any problems and questions you may have. We try to ensure the atmosphere in the department is relaxed and friendly to ensure both children and their parents/carers feel safe and happy whilst they are here. We try to ensure your visit is informative and positive.
The majority of clinics are held here but we also have clinics at two schools in Grimsby, at a health centre in Mablethorpe and at County Hospital Louth.
We work with medical and nursing staff from regional tertiary hospitals, such as Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary, to support children with more complex medical and surgical problems, providing care locally.
We appreciate that clinic appointments can be a daunting prospect for children and adults alike. We are here to help reduce anxiety and help to make your visit as stress-free as possible.
Opening hours
Monday – Friday 8am to 6.20pm (excluding bank holidays). Occasional clinics are held on Saturday.
A receptionist is available between 9am and midday and 1pm and 5pm. At other times nursing staff should be available to assist with enquiries.
Attending clinic
Where possible someone with parental responsibility should attend the department with the child who is seeing the doctor. All mothers and most fathers will have parental responsibility.
You should aim to arrive for your appointment 10 minutes before the time on your letter. This allows the receptionist to book you onto the computer and nursing staff to weigh and do other observations as needed. Please bring your clinic letter with you and any medications your child would usually take. Babies and children under the age of four should also bring their baby health record with them (the red book).
We encourage children, parents and carers to ask questions at the appointment. You may want to think about the questions you want to ask before the appointment and write them down.
There is a play area in the outpatient department and we encourage parents to sit and play with their children whilst waiting, this helps to reduce anxiety and pass the time.
Interpreting facilities are available in the clinic if needed: for most clinic appointments a telephone interpreting service will be used (BigWord). For some appointments an interpreter can be booked to be available on the day. You should not bring other family members or a friend to the clinic and expect them to interpret for you. Some information is sensitive and confidential to the child and their immediate family/carers, it is important an impartial person interprets the information given by the doctor.
If your child cannot attend their appointment it is important that you contact the admin team to cancel the appointment and make arrangements for another. The telephone number will be on the bottom of your child’s clinic letter. This allows other children who need to be seen to be booked in their place.
Contact details for your child's care at Grimsby
Blood tests for your child: 03033 303655 (Children’s blood clinic admin)
Changes to/cancellation/checking appointments: 03033 303533 (Children’s Outpatient Department Reception)
Results of tests for your child: Call 03033 303533 and they will put you through to the relevant medical secretary
Children’s Therapy services including dietetics: 03033 303758
For all other enquiries please ring 03033 303533
Contact Us
03033 303057 (answerphone)
Useful Links
SEND local offer
Our Local Offer is the place that provides and directs you to information that will support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). If your child does not have SEND but you feel they need support in some part of their development, the information on this website can help. It helps parents, children and young people aged 0 to 25 years find information about specialist and targeted services and activities in your area.
Find out more information about the North East Lincolnshire SEND offer
Find out more information about the North Lincolnshire SEND offer