Showing 17 Consultants filtered by 'S'
Dr Maged Shendy
Dr Maged Shendy is a Locum Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyat Scunthrpe General HospitalDr Bela Szebenyi
Dr Bela Szebenyi is a Consultant Rheumatologist at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital.Mr Dakshinamurthy Sunderamoorthy
Mr Dakshinamurthy Sunderamoorthy is a Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedics at Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole and District Hospital.Dr Sayed J Sultanzadeh
Dr Sayed J Sultanzadeh is a Consultant in Acute Medicine at Scunthorpe General Hospital.Dr Dagmar Ingrid Styblo-Sramek
Dr Dagmar Ingrid Styblo-Sramek is a Consultant Radiologist at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital.Miss Jenny Smith
Miss Jenny Smith is a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and Clinical Lead for the Breast Service at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital.Dr Vijaykumar Singh
Dr Vijaykumar Singh is a Consultant Acute Care Physician at Scunthorpe General Hospital.Mr Abdelhamid Sabaa
Mr Abdelhamid Sabaa is a Urology Consultant at Scunthorpe General Hospital, Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital and Goole and District Hospital.