Showing 17 Consultants filtered by 'M'
Dr Umapathee Majuran
Dr Umapathee Majuran is a Consultant Paediatrician at the Diana, Princess of Wales HospitalDr Parham Moshtaghi
Dr Parham Moshtaghi is a Consultant in Acute Care at Scunthorpe General Hospital.Dr Zafarulla Mohmed
Dr Zafarulla Mohmed is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.Ms Mariya Mohammed
Ms Mariya Mohammed is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Scunthorpe General Hospital.Dr Ahmed Shakir Mohammed
Dr Ahmed Shakir Mohammed is a Consultant Paediatrician with expertise in Cardiology at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.Dr Atideb Mitra
Dr Atideb Mitra is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.Dr Tomasz Mionskowski
Dr Tomasz Mionskowski is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Consultant at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.Mr John McAdam
Mr John McAdam is a Locum Consultant Endoscopist at Scunthorpe General Hospital and Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.Dr Nidal Maarouf
Dr Nidal Maarouf is a Consultant Cardiologist at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby.