The purpose of this leaflet is to give information about your visit to the Colposcopy Clinic.
What is Colposcopy?
Colposcopy is a simple, painless examination of your cervix to see where the abnormal cells are. The colposcopist (the person performing the examination) will use a special microscope on a stand called a colposcope to do this. The colposcopist may be either a doctor or nurse trained in this specialist procedure.
Is there anything I need to know before I attend the Clinic?
If you are menstruating (having a period) and do not wish to attend please ring to arrange another appointment.
Please note that colposcopy examination can still be carried out satisfactorily unless the period is heavy.
There is no need for you to fast (not eat or drink) before you come for your appointment.
Please bring with you the name of any medications that you are currently taking and also have a record of the date of your last period.
You are welcome to bring a companion if you would like some support or company. If you wish, and there is room in the examination room, your companion may stay with you during the examination.
A designated nurse will be with you throughout the examination.
If, after the colposcopy, you need further treatment, this may be carried out on the same day – what we call ‘see and treat’ or you may be asked to return on another day.
When you arrive at the Clinic
If attending at Scunthorpe General Hospital, you will need to go to the Gynaecology Outpatients Clinic.
If you are attending at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, you will need to go to the reception area on ward B1, Department of Women’s Health, where you will then be shown into our waiting area.
If you are attending at Goole & District Hospital, you should ask at the main reception desk in the hospital for directions to the Midwifery Centre, from where you will be directed to the colposcopy clinic.
When it is your turn you will be shown into the colposcopy room and the colposcopist or nurse will ask you some questions regarding your periods, any abnormal bleeding, use of contraception, any serious illnesses you may have had as well as details of any previous colposcopy and treatment.
You will be shown into a changing room by a nurse and asked to remove your underwear below the waist. It will be more convenient for you if you wear a skirt as you will be able to keep this on. If you attend the clinic in Goole you may find the doctor speaks to you first, after which you will be shown into a changing room.
Who will be present?
Normally, only the colposcopist and two nurses are present. The colposcopist is a doctor or a nurse who has undergone specialist training in the procedure. Occasionally a colposcopist in training will be present, and may perform your examination under the supervision of an experienced Colposcopist. In addition, a doctor in training, a medical student or a nursing student may be present. Only one of these will be present at any one time. Your help and co-operation in the training of these doctors and nurses of the future would be greatly appreciated. However, if you do not wish any observers or trainees to be present please inform the clinic nurse.
The Examination
You will be asked to lie on a special couch with leg supports as this makes the examination easier. The colposcopist will insert a speculum in your vagina, just like when your smear test was taken. The cervix will then be inspected through the colposcope. The colposcope does not touch you or enter your body.
You may feel the colposcopist applying a solution to your cervix, which will show up any area of abnormal cells. This may feel cold and may sting a little; iodine may also be applied to your cervix to confirm that there are abnormal cells.
All the way through the examination the colposcopist will explain what is happening. If the facility is available you may also be asked if you wish to see on a monitor what the colposcopist sees via a camera attached to the colposcope. This makes it easier for the colposcopist to explain the procedure. It is your choice to have the TV monitor switched on, but be aware that the picture on the monitor is magnified.
There are usually two nurses present during your examination. One will be seeing to the colposcopist’s needs and the other will be seeing to your needs, including holding your hand if you wish. If you have a companion with you, he / she will be able to give you extra support.
The examination will last between 10-15 minutes and does not require a local anaesthetic unless you have treatment.
The results of the examination, and future review if necessary, will be discussed with you in clinic.
If there is any bleeding or a smelly discharge from your vagina up to 10 days after your visit and your period is not due, contact your own GP for advice.
‘See and Treat’
Clinics can offer treatment at the first visit for high grade changes and will usually last between 10-15 minutes. This is called a ‘Loop Diathermy’. Loop diathermy may be offered to you at your first appointment but only when the whole area of abnormal cells can be seen. Alternatively, it may be offered following confirmation of abnormal changes shown on a punch biopsy of the cervix. These samples will be examined under a microscope in the laboratory in order to identify the degree of abnormality.
The results of the examination and future review if necessary will be discussed with you in clinic.
If there is any bleeding or a smelly discharge from your vagina up to 10 days after your visit and your period is not due, contact your own GP for advice.
You will receive a letter in 2-6 weeks’ time informing you of your results and further management.
RESULTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN OVER THE TELEPHONE – but feel free to contact the secretary if you have not received the letter informing you of the results.
Do you need any further information?
At any time during your colposcopy examination you may ask questions about anything you do not understand.
Further information leaflets on colposcopy produced by the Health Education Authority are available on request.
Contact Telephone Numbers
If you have any concerns / queries about any of the services offered by the Trust, in the first instance, please speak to the person providing your care.
Scunthorpe and Goole appointments: 03033 306537
Grimsby appointments: 03033 306536
For Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital Grimsby
Colposcopy Secretary: 03033 303048
Gynaecology Nursing Team Laurel Ward: 03033 304390
Nurse Colposcopist Lynda Farrow-Browne (answer machine): 03033 303593
For Scunthorpe General Hospital
Colposcopy Secretary: 03033 302666
Gynaecology Nursing Team Ward 19: 03033 303464
Nurse Colposcopist Lynda Farrow-Browne (answer machine): 03033 303593
Any Comments, Compliments, Concerns or Complaints
If you have any other concerns please talk to your nurse, therapist or doctor. Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is available on 03033 306518 (Grimsby, Scunthorpe and Goole). You can also contact [email protected]
As a Trust we value equality of access to our information and services, therefore alternative formats are available on request at [email protected]
Review information
Date of issue: April 2023
Review period: March 2026